What We Do

EDUACTIVE offers a tailored range of services that connect young people with companies, institutions, academia and organisations and enable the involvement and transition of young people to the job market to become practicable, meaningful and sustainable.

We understand that each actor has its own needs and its peculiar modus operandi, which require a different approach and a specialised expertise.

Individuals (students and youth)

Embarking on a life-long learning journey is a beautiful yet difficult adventure. We can help you to:

  • reflect and define your lifelong learning strategy (through a customised learning experience, discovering your higher education platforms, helping you to recognise a career path you are passionate about);
  • understand the core issues at stake, and connect with like-minded peers from your school, city, region, creating strong and valuable bonds;
  • identify academic experiences, projects and partnerships where you think you (or your children) can excel, that is close to your heart and can maximise your life-long learning pathway;

Research & Academics (schools, HEIs and research centers)

Schools offer safe harbours for a significant number of young people. In the past years we have delivered EduActions designs that work together with schools for around 3000 students. Our training courses have complemented the curricular programs with topics, among others: sustainability, soft skills versus hard skills, setting up your career plan, the role of young people in the implementation of the Agenda 2030 and its 17 SDGs, diplomacy, international law and relations, entrepreneurship, equality.


Our services aim at setting up a strategic youth involvement through a strategic philanthropy approach at the core of your business development that helps you to leverage your resources and skills to:

  1.     a significant, positive impact on society
  2.     prepare the new generations to access the job market, while sharing at the same time your company culture, strategically investing in future human resources provided with the necessary skills to join your company straight after graduation. 


We offer guidance and support to ensure your foundation makes a real positive difference in the lives of young people and transform them into initiators of a sustainable future.

In particular, we can support you in:

  •   Setting up goals that are specified for youth and Sustainable Development in your foundation from the lowest levels;
  •   Developing a strategy to scale up and to guarantee achievements in your youth and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) mission.