Regional Forum on Sustainable Development for the UNECE Region MARCH

The year 2020 marks the beginning of the Decade of Action and Delivery for Sustainable Development, which was launched by world leaders at the UN Summit on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in September 2019. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has triggered progress in many areas. However, with only 10 years to go, the speed and scale of implementation is not sufficient yet to achieve the required sustainability transformation. Decisive action is needed to accelerate progress, including in the UNECE region with its mostly high- and middle-income countries. The Regional Forum, in its rescaled format due to the coronavirus crisis, will address SDG action and acceleration in four main plenary sessions. The sessions will be organized as moderated, interactive panel discussions focusing on the themes and guiding questions set out below.


Session 1 Accelerating action and delivery for sustainable development in the UNECE region 

Chair of the Regional Forum H.E. Ambassador Mr. Vaqif Sadiqov Permanent Representative of the Republic of Azerbaijan to UN Office in Geneva 

Prof. Katherine Richardson Member of the Independent Group of Scientists for the Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR) (presentation) 

Ms. Lidia Bratanova Director, UNECE Statistical Division (Regional SDG Progress Report) 

Ms. Tina Hočevar Vice President, European Youth Forum 

Mr. Crispin Conroy Director, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in Geneva 

Ms. Ena Peeva EDUACTIVE Regional Civil society Engagement mechanism (RCEM) (statement)

Original article on UNECE
